Our Clergy and Staff
Our parish is led by a dynamic group of clergy and staff that brings the Orthodox Church and the Gospel of Jesus Christ alive for our parish community and all those we encounter. We invite you to learn more about our Hierarchs, our clergy and pastoral team, and our support staff.
Our Hierarchs


Romanian Orthodox Archbishop of the United States of America
The Rev. Fr. Vasile Aileni, Priest
Voice: (508) 320-0645
Email: Fr.vasileaileni@gmail.com
Rev. Fr Vasile Aileni joined St. Nicholas in May 2022. He’s been married to Presbyter Claudia for 29 years and has three children. Fr. Vasile graduated from The Theological University in Sibiu, Romania in 2011. In 2012 he was ordained as deacon, and in 2013 as priest in Canada. Since then he served as Parish Priest at “All Saints” Romanian Orthodox Church in Toronto, Canada. In 2020, it was proposed that he come to the USA and serve one of the parishes that needed a priest, and ultimately that he come to serve at the St. Nicholas Parish. After a long process of emigration, with the Grace of God he and his family entered the USA on April 4, 2022 and served the first Liturgy on April 10. On May 8, 2022 he was officially installed as the new Parish Priest at St. Nicholas, following the dedicated efforts of Rev. Fr. Nicholas Apostola who served this parish successfully, and passionately for over 40 years.